Töndury + Partner AG
Through their licensed companies and partner companies, Töndury + Partner offer comprehensive services related to the formation and administration of companies, foundations and enterprises as well as economic and legal advice. The services include auditing (reviews), business consulting, tax consulting, financial planning, controlling, accounting as well as asset management and legal services. We offer these activities, which are supervised by the Financial Market Authority and the Liechtenstein Bar Association, through our following licensed companies:
- Thöny Treuhand AG, founded in 1958: auditing (reviews) and accounting services
- Consilium Treuhand AG, founded in 1970: the establishment and administration of foundations, trusts and companies
- Aquila Asset Management (Liechtenstein) AG, founded in 2006: asset management
- Advokatur David Meier AG, founded in 2020: legal advice and legal opinions
What distinguishes us
- Personal advice
- Experienced, well-coordinated team with long-standing employees
- Trusting client relationships over generations
- High quality in all aspects
- Selected experts in our national and international network